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Dobby vs voldemort who would win

  • Dobby vs voldemort who would win. He's got plenty of spells that can stun the Dark Lord and seriously hurt him. Both sides are bloodlusted. Luke would be able to dodge the spells. The legend is that Voldermortist once tried to destroy Merlin before the time of King Arthur, by bewitching good people, and simply bribing those who Oct 5, 2018 · Harry Potter antagonist Lord Voldemort is one of pop culture’s most infamous villains. Voldemort has full control of just the elder wand, and his death eater organization. Zatanna vs Lord Voldemort Zatanna is hot on the trail of some magical criminals that have been causing demon trouble in the United States. A summoning spell would snap it into Voldemort's hand just as fast. Voldemort can fight multiple high-level foes at once and win, so can Palpatine. Round 3: Same as 2, but both parties have allies (Nazgul for Sauron and the most powerful Death Eaters for Voldemort). Muggle losses: several thousand in the takeover; about fifty US army soldiers. round 2: Voldemort during the first wizarding war vs first age Sauron. Mar 7, 2012 · by Laurel. Prime Dumbledore incapacitates Voldemort in a duel 10 times out of 10. First one to achieve world domination wins. They have much in common–including appearance, childhood experiences, talent, intelligence, interest in the Dark Arts, and antagonistic role in the story–save for one critical difference. Voldemort had a powerful ally known as Nagini. Probably still Voldemort, I suppose there might be something in there that could give him a chance but really Voldemort should still win. "Ready to go?" Voldemort literally goes SPLAT as he's exploded from the inside. Voldy is so weak, that Goku wouldn't even think he's worthy of leaving lol. DIO would also have to go through the troubles of destroying the Horcruxes, which are keeping Voldemort alive. To recap: Voldemort is still dangerous without a wand, Obi-wan's ranged powers are not a big threat, Voldemort can effortlessly keep his distance in multiple ways, most of Voldemort's ranged attacks are much much more dangerous than a blaster bolt owing to either: little to no travel time, no projectile to block, large area of effect, or being Feb 7, 2021 · Much has been said in the past of the similarities and differences between Harry and Voldemort, but few spend much time comparing and contrasting Voldemort and Dumbledore. Voldemort has Killing Curses, Palpatine has Force Lightning. It will probably come down to whether Sauron kills Voldemort before Voldie can hit him with something, HP has more than its share of 1 hit wins after all. If Gandalf the Grey just goes for the win it’s a 10/10 stomp. Mar 23, 2020 · In their first matchup, let's take a look at the background of each villain. How did the duel go down? Emily explains: Official: “Up next is Harry Potter vs. This battle will turn odd very quickly. Jun 22, 2016 · Voldemort is a walking corpse shifting between life and death during the books since he only has fraction of his soul. Orochimaru is the fastest of the two and could win the battle in a matter of Mar 9, 2023 · Voldemort and Sauron, two of the most famous villains in literature and cinema, are compared in this article. The title explains it all, who at the peak of powers would've won? Feel free to comment which one you think would win. Bruce Lee has to win by incap. DIO would most likely win this fight. He also had to run from elves using just bows and melee weapons and lost a duel to a big spider which means he is very very far from being invulnerable. Voldemort can only use stunning spells and can't do any other magic. Voldemort is also able to speak to snakes and make them do his True, but Voldemort has to hit Sidious first who is faster. (1) Peeves vs 17 year old Tom Riddle (2) Hagrid vs full moon Lupin (3) Dobby vs Fawkes (4) fluffy Vs Grawp (5) Crookshanks vs fang… He easily crushes voldemort in melee combat as voldemort lacks any superhuman physical attributes. It's the equivalent of fighting Rambo in your house vs fighting him in the jungle. Dec 1, 2015 · “Dobby is a free elf, and Dobby has come to save Harry Potter and his friends!” It appears to me that these are awesomely powerful creatures that will defend their masters. Voldemort did use some other tricks in their canon duel but he is nowhere near the Transfiguration expert Dumbledore is. Anyway, Goku oblirarates Voldy with an universal fart. And Tony will have no reason to believe that Voldemort will come back since there was no prep. Snape vs. Voldemort can apparate/disapparate, grab vader, fly up thousands of feet, and drop him to his death. R1 goes aang 7/10 because he only has air bending, but Voldemort is significantly slower and can only rely on this Aang’s inexperience and him outsmarting Aang. Sauron wins even if he doesn’t have the ring. Harry's mother's spell only protects Harry against Voldemort, who cast the backfired curse in the first place that conferred that protection on Harry. If anyone has any idea of what might make a better match up, or how the battle could be framed better, please tell me. Without magic he's just as bad physically. Fully muggle vs Voldemort + Death Eaters Round 2. The magical protection at the Dursleys' only protects him from Voldemort. As both combatants rise to their feet, Voldemort replies "Then let us see the power of your Dark Side versus me. Orochimaru and Voldemort have comparable willpower, meaning that Voldemort would not fall into genjutsu so easily and it's likely Orochimaru could resist or break free from the Imperius curse. Jul 17, 2022 · Dumbledore for sure, Voldemort's main move is Avada Kedavra which isn't that spectacular and Dumbledore can do it too if he wanted to. Round 1: Voldemort has the elder wand and despite losing half his soul, is made stronger and more powerful than ever before by the Elder Wand's power. Chad: Voldemort led his followers in two wars on the British Ministry of Magic, but Orochimaru fought on the front lines of 2 Great Shinobi Wars and Jun 17, 2020 · Harry Potter vs. Voldemort commands the Ron clone to start imperiousing more of the Ron clones. Voldemort's spellcasting is a lot more versatile and powerful in combat than what Sauron has. Mar 20, 2019 · It's the emerald knight vs the ultimate villain from Harry Potter as Green Lantern takes on Voldemort in another episode of #WhoWouldWin! Powered by RedCircle Invincible is an Image Comics and Amazon TV series named for its superhero, "Invincible" ("Mark Grayson"). Hell, the only reason they basically dueled to a draw in Order was because Dumbledore was distracted during the duel by having to keep Harry out of harm's way and Voldemort proceeded to change tactics by electing to possess Harry instead in the hopes of baiting Dumbledore into sacrificing him. You have a better chance in round one, sure, but you die pretty much definitely anyway. Who would win between Mar 15, 2020 · Harry Potter Vs. Join me in this fun debate and find out my final decision! #harrypotter #harrypottertiktok #harrypottertok #fyp”. "Goku vs Voldemort. R2 and R3 should be almost 100% Aang. All world powers unite to fight Voldemort. Harry and co. In character and voldemort has all 3 deathly hollows. If you haven't read Harry Potter, voldemort is a master of legilimency, which is the art of breaking into people's minds. Round 1: Sauron does not have the One Ring and Voldemort does not have the Elder Wand. Lord Voldemort (/ ˈ v oʊ l d ə m ɔːr / VOHL-də-mor, /-m ɔːr t /-⁠mort in the films) [j] is a fictional character and the main antagonist in the Harry Potter series of novels by J. Sauron on looks like he could win, a fair few of those feats can be matched by Voldie and some of them are of greatly limited use in a 1v1 fight. Voldemort could win via Transfiguration but again, this is only theoretical because Wizards can block those sort of spells which is why we never see it pop up in fights with a few rare exceptions. Eventually, I think Voldemort gets tired of playing games with Luke and gets close. Voldemort gets 4/10 by Luke tripping up along the way. Or just apparate out of any Force chokes Voldemort disarms Vader with expelliarmus and uses bombarda on his lightsaber, destroying it. Just Voldemort versus all the students in Hogwarts. Apr 22, 2023 · Voldemort and Grindelwald both had special abilities, but Tom Riddle's ability to speak to snakes, a power he inadvertently gave to Harry Potter, turned out to be dead useful. i would give Snape a 9/10 vs Aang. I realize that Vader is not a pussy, but neither is Voldemort, the Dark Lord. You have to define the win, which is not the same for each party. Harry's skin crawled as he touched the once Dark Lord, but he knew it was necessary. Sauron isn't dumb and would be prepared for it after he comes back, though granting voldemort even this partial win is being generous. I feel like people are underestimating the t1 and overestimating Voldemort. This would go on and on. Most of Voldemort's guys and some wizards who died fighting rather than submitting to the muggles. Farmer with shotgun wins, power level of 5 means he’s 1/80 moonbusting and he’d blitz Voldemort in a millisecond. I think Voldemort would kite Luke across the battlefield and then apparate if he got close. Honestly the most dangerous Voldemort can ever be to Sauron is as his second-in-command, because at least then he can try to turn Sauron’s own army against him. Wanda Maximoff, aka Scarlet Witch, and Lord Voldemort go head to head in this fight to the finish. Wizard losses: ~1k. Sidious has Voldemort's head off before Voldemort can so much as twitch a finger, force crushes Voldemort, telekinetically ragdolls Voldemort and smashes his head open like a melon against the nearest wall, blasts him with Force Lightning, or any other method Sidious chooses to execute Voldemort. dumbledore would not kill voldy, and restricts himself from dark magic, but his empathy would help him anticipate v's moves. Luckily, Dobby and Dumbledore are on the same side so they wouldn't need to duel. If either are in character they’ll understand it’s not their fight. And unlike Voldemort, the lightsaber is an instant kill weapon. Firstly, Voldemort's immediate family comes from a line of powerful dark magic, stretching back to Salazar Slytherin. But who would win? In my opinion, Grindelwald. Battle takes place inside of the Hogwarts dining hall filled with Voldemort's Death Eaters (stats equalized). Why couldn't a house elf be given an order similar to the following: Dobby, Voldemort is trying to kill Harry Potter and has already attempted to do so several times. After this, Voldemort's minions lose it because of their lack of leadership and are eventually taken down by US and EU armed forces. Who will win in a fight between Lord Voldemort and Dobby? Voldemort reveals wizards exist and demands all muggle subservience to Wizards. Magic has way more options. Ron has shown to not have any particular strength at throwing off imperiuses. IMO: A Grindelwald at the peak of his power would've destroyed Voldemort, Grindelwald pretty much conquered the entire Europe in his 6 years meanwhile Voldemort took 14 years (11 in the First Wizarding War and 3 in the Second Wizarding War) yet failed to take over even the Both of these Dark Wizards (Grindelwald wasn't a Dark Lord. Bonus: voldy can use magic and is up against a trained soldier with a gun of your choosing that can be used in a 20ft by 20ft combat space. Voldemort was certainly powerful, but he relied on Horcruxes to stay alive. But, the Gaunts fell into poverty and ruin, and Voldemort's father himself was a muggle. ; Despite over half of voters feeling a Voldemort can keep coming back to fight Sauron and Sauron will keep blasting him, and this can keep happening forever. When Thanos refuses, they fight. ) are considered one of the strongest wizards of their respective eras. ; Bellatrix Lestrange is feared throughout the wizarding world for her dark arts proficiency and ruthless nature, while Professor McGonagall is a skilled duelist and powerful witch, making her a formidable opponent for Bellatrix Lestrange in a duel. Yet, Voldemort successfully masterminded a massive breakout that led to the release of many of his most loyal and dangerous followers. He can fly, kill with the flick of a wrist and he has his horcruxes. In his search for immortality, Voldemort has resorted to murder in order to hide pieces of his soul in 7 objects so that he can be ressurected if his body is destroyed. Given that information and the fact that they're both bloodlusted, I see no reason to believe Sidious doesn't win it every single time. Jul 25, 2023 · Voldemort’s orchestration of the mass breakout from Azkaban is a notable demonstration of his immense power. Harry put his note down on Voldemort's large pillow and grabbed hold of his arm. He also wasn't seen in battle much, though he was powerful when seen. " Dobby's face flashed with emotion as he approached Harry. V would kill d, and uses everything he deems powerful but to a degree can't anticipate d except to not kill. There's plenty of wandless magic around, Hagrid didn't have one when he gave Harry's cousin a pigtail, you see people stirring their tea without touching the spoon, snape counter-cursing at the quidditch game, dobby snapping his fingers (don't know if it makes a difference that dobby is an elf), Jul 28, 2022 · Lord Voldemort has used three wands in the past, Lucius Malfoy's wand, the legendary and the powerful Elder Wand, which was previously owned by the great Albus Dumbledore, and Gellert Grindelwald Darth Maul vs Azog vs Grindelwald (I know Azog is in the Hobbit not LOTR but I already used Sauron, Saruman, and Gollum so I borrowed one from The Hobbit). Thus Dumbledore with Elder wand =ish to Voldemort & and Dumbledore > Grindelwald with Elder Wand. Voldemort's a powerful wizard, but he has absolutely zero feats that would let him withstand a punch from a professional heavyweight boxer, let alone Mike Tyson. Round 2: Sauron has the One Ring and Voldemort has the Elder Wand. Voldemort was a renowned Parselmouth, which aided him in his devious schemes, given his control over all things serpent. Goku being in character changes nothing since he has killed evil villains before with no hesitation. Magic in hp is described as moving slow enough to just dodge out of the way and I doubt Sauron would just tank the hit for no reason. Aug 26, 2023 · Russian leader Vladimir Putin attempted to sue Warner Bros. Even if he did (or during Second war, when he did), Horcruxes merely prevent Voldemort's soul from leaving the world when his body is killed - meaning that they would NOT prevent Dumbledore from capturing Voldemort; OR from killing his body to give the Order a temporary win, during which they could round up Death Eaters and deprive Voldemort of May 23, 2019 · As far as genius level intellect goes, we're not so sure, but Dobby definitely has the qualities that would lead to him defeating— or at least causing trouble for— Dumbledore. Ainz has access to everything in the great tomb Nazerrack. Mid tier channellers are easily capable of blocking lightning strikes with shields, putting their reactions far above HP wizards and nothing HP verse casters have in their arsenal moves even close to that speed Jun 7, 2022 · 707 Likes, 22 Comments. Voldemort does have spells like, 'Imperio' or 'Avada Kedavra', but those do not harm his stand, The World. In order for Voldemort to win, he needs to defeat any conjured allies that Mannimarco has summoned, as well as evade all of Mannimarco’s destructions spells. i give it a fair 4/10 for Volde and 6/10 for aang. Optimes is just a machine, a very clever and powerful one, but But as far as i remember, some of the explosion ones are spells, too, making it possible for Voldemort to simply explode the air around Aang. Sure Orochimaru can teleport but since they are at the same speed. Jul 2, 2023 · Voldemort from Harry Potter is not the all-powerful wizard he believes that he is, and even a Salazar Slytherin vs Voldemort duel would likely end in the Dark Lord's defeat. I'm not saying Mike is going to win per se, but if he can close the distance before Voldemort can get a spell off, he can definitely 1HKO him. Rowling. Voldemort has Horcruxes, Palpatine has clone bodies. "Voldemort is derived from the little well known evil wizard named Voldermortist, in another language, Voldermortist means "Lord of Evil" or in the simple form of Voldemort means "Dark Lord". I can't think of any way Voldemort could face him unless it's some weird magic feat Voldemort decides to take Hogwarts by himself. Both harboured a desire for power and control over others, had cult-like followings, and used fear and intimidation to achieve their goals. Assume Colossus (who was not shown in the revised-timeline ending, but was in the second Dumbledore would have had to be much much stronger than Voldemort in order for that not to be clear, because Voldemort and Dumbledore were very close (even possibly Dumbledore favored) Dumbledore still beat Grindelwald with the Elder Wand and Voldemort held his own against Dumbledore with the Elder Wand. Created by writer Robert Kirkman with artists Cory Walker & Ryan Ottley. The students are magically given a 5-minute warning that Voldemort is about to show up. Voldemort, angry about what has just happened, tracks down Thanos and demands that he hand over the stones. 20% for Harry Potter, so Dumbledore moves on to the Finals. Scenario 2: Both Doctor Fate and Voldemort teleport in Doctor Fate's Tower. Harry Potter isn't there, and there are no horcrux complications. Here are 15 witches and wizards who could've held their own against Voldemort. Voldemort can apparate (teleport) but we never really see this ability used multiple times in sequence during combat for heightened agility. Goku has heart virus, speed is equalized, Goku can't BFR, and Voldemort is an Edo tensei" lol. Can Bruce Lee KO Voldy. Xavier, Wolverine, Storm, Beast, Bobby Drake (Ice Man), Kitty Pryde, Rogue, Magneto etc. Fight begins immediately. Voldemort, albeit terribly powerful, is far from being a well-rounded and complete wizard. Force crush him, take the wand away, force lightening. ” Harry is Morgoth is a 12feet tall master of arms who was bested multiple times in combat by either mithril steel or meteorite crafted weapons. But of course, Palpatine isn't stupid and he'll use everything he can to win. Robot hands are connected to the nerves, which are connected to the brainit WOULD knock it from his hands. Who do you think would win? round 1: Voldemort by the time of his resurrection after GoF vs Sauron during the second age, with the one ring after the fall of Numenor. in 2003 because he believed the character of Dobby the house elf in Harry Potter resembled him. May 9, 2024 · "T-t-taking him, sir?" Dobby looked wary, and Harry could hardly blame him. Davy Jones carries his locker and key. So that was really no joke, and i don't think Voldemort did anything half that crazy. Voldemort can TELEPORT, which is a huge advantage in a fight. Probably fly at him twisting in the air and stab him to death, not sure of film feats but he caught a bunch of experienced Jedi masters off guard and easily killed them. Scenario 3: Both Doctor Fate and Voldemort are teleported into King Arthur's Camelot three months before the fight happens. Voldemort can counter and nail a killing curse on Orochimaru. No information for Ainz, while Voldemort knows about all of Ainz's abilities and spells. He’s going to be quicker on the draw, because he actually has combat experience and a wand is lighter (minor advantage, take it or leave it). Davy carries key and Voldemort protects Harry. With all four elements, Voldemort is already outmatched in speed and can only pray that he gets a good avada kedavra in. Voldemort. Davy Jones has locations of every horcrux. Voldemort also has a massive army called the Death Eaters, an army capable of laying seige to Hogwarts itself. Levicorpus is undodgeable Voldemort could simply go for the one two spell cast and take it Voldemort could cast spells without words as evident that he was considered one of the greatest wizards of all time ("terrible yes, but great") A lot of people are taking the assumption that he must say the spell and thus force choke would make this Springtrap has a bunch of hax in the books like corrupting and killing people with a touch, forcing people to hallucinate, and can take over people's mindsAlso he kinda put a security guard in a genjutsu, making him see people from his past because springtrap looked into his mind and caused all this when the guard tapped him once, and then at some point the guard wakes up in an oven Jul 24, 2014 · Dumbledore, Voldemort, Dobby VSThor, Ironman, Loki Rules:Teams have normal attitudes but will not turn on each other. Round 4: Voldemort has no horcruxes (normal human form). Palpatine at least has massively better fighting skill while Voldemort at best can be an amateur at brawl and used to play Voldemort bloodlusted would start out with the killing curse and vader wouldn't have time to block it. Voldemort has Legimency, Palpatine has Precognition. The battle ends with incapacitation or death. No wizard resistance. R2. Mike Tyson and Dobby are both in their absolute prime, and the fight is taking place in a field on Earth, so all of Dobby's magic still works, but because the fight is in a field presumably Dobby wouldn't have anything to manipulate (eg. Adding to that, he should have no problem ripping the wand from Voldemorts hand, I don't think Voldey has a chance. Darth Sideous would easy win this. Factors that are involved: Voldemort is standing right next to Nagini, who could easily be deployed, Anakin Skywalker has the force and his lightsaber, Voldemort can fly, Anakin cannot, The location of this fight is a forest in Albania, Anakin doesn't know how powerful avada kedavra is and thinks that he can take it, Bellatrix will help Superhero Battle match: Lord Voldemort versus Dobby. the cake from harry potter 2). Barty Crouch Jr -- posing as the eccentric ex-Auror Alastor Moody -- was patrolling around the maze and removing obstacles as well as the other contestants from Harry's path. Aug 30, 2022 · The award for the most popular answer goes to user Zubyna, who went out of their way to completely explore both fantasy universes to justify their answer. Voldemort has no info on heart's location but knows it exists. Takes place in the 1990s. Voldemort polyjuices into Ron #1001 and has fun killing the Rons disguised as one of them Or Voldemort hides/disguises himself in some other way and imperiouses Ron. Incidentally, while on the run from Zatanna, they hear about a super powerful Dark Wizard known as Lord Voldemort who was prominent in the 1980s and 1990s but he was killed by a young Wizard named Harry He has no gear equipped. Voldemort also faced Dumbledore in the Ministry Of Magic, which could be argued to have been a win for Dumbledore as well, though the fight was interrupted. However, Voldemort and Dumbledore, as the heads of two warring factions for three books Round one Voldemort has a slight advantage due to familiarity with the battlefield, but round two is an incredible stomp in Ganondorf's favor. This is in large part because the relationship between Harry and Voldemort is more complex and layered than any other in the series. Voldemort severely underestimates muggles and muggle technology he probably would not even know what a robot is and he would try too cast avada kedavara on the t1 thinking it's a muggle in some weird armor which the t1 could tank even an explosive spell like bombarda could be tanked by the t1 but what if like other . voldy can use any magic It is strong but I think you're missing the fact that I stated voldemort can put wards on himself to give him a better advantage (like gaining dementor properties). MATCH 1: Who would win in a duel between Harry Potter and Albus Dumbledore? Albus Dumbledore received 80% of the votes vs. Abstract: In the “Harry Potter” series, Snape serves as a character foil for Voldemort, and vice versa. 20ft by 20ft arena. Dobby was able to go screw with him, and Dudley beat him up all the time. Again, neither Fate nor Voldemort know anything about each other and assume Voldemort's magic works in the DC universe. From what we've seen even assuming we take the books as feats all we've got to go off it indicates extremely specialized and rare spells that will only really do anything against the specific type of magical creature he's facing. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Bonus Rounds: These rounds have 2 characters Instead of 3 that have similarities but a third doesn’t Balrogs were originally Maiar spirits like Sauron and Gandalf before being seduced into serving Morgoth. Who kills who? Round 3: Same as round 2, but both can now use anything and any ally available. Voldemort wins. Having tormented the titular young wizard for seven books – and later, eight films – it’s fair to suggest that he’s as instantly recognisable as icons like the Joker, Hannibal Lecter or Darth Vader. K. Both can perform magical feats that should be impossible for most other magic users in their universe. edit: Voldemort would be kind of like what Saruman considered to be the "human necromancer. started a rebellion at Hogwarts - one that they only won by getting literally every person willing to fight to show up, and dealing with Voldemort's total unkillability first, while also being impossible for Voldemort himself to kill. Welcome to r/HarryPotter, the place where fans from around the world can meet and discuss everything in the Harry Potter universe! Be sorted, earn house points, debate which actor portrayed Dumbledore the best and finally get some closure for your Post-Potter Depression. So Voldemort can win but he'll have to be careful, not rush in, and use all the tools at his disposal to outmaneuver Palpatine here before he can get a killing curse in or knock him out. ) Harry Potter dies at beginning of Book 7 and Voldemort and death eaters take on World Powers in 2015. If for Dark Wizard we intend the most powerful in the Dark Arts, then Voldemort is indubitably and by far the best and most powerful Dark Wizard. Voldemort had to mold himself into something greater. Voldemort's BFR capabilities are only implied. Voldemort can apparate to confuse him and may even use parseltongue to convince Manda to attack Orochimaru. In fact, it was entirely rigged so that Harry would triumph in the maze. In Character Morals On. Among the blind the guy with one eye is the king, I say. Luke then kills Voldemort. The killing curse itself would be very deadly against Sauron and almost certainly kill him since it does involve separating the soul from the body. But DIO has The World, so he can stop time for a good nine seconds in Stardust Crusaders. Iron Man will win the fight, almost certainly. Assuming Voldemort has at least one Hocrux still intact, his death in this fight will be meaningless. R3. Azkaban, the fortress-like prison for magical criminals, was known to be impregnable. R1: Voldemort and Palpatine switch positions and powers (Voldemort has to destroy the jedi order and start the new order and Palpatine has to kill Harry and take over the wizarding world) Who comes out the best? R2: Voldemort and Palpatine 1v1 while both have had 40 years of experience with lightsabers and the force By Movie X-Men, I'm referring to the newly restored timeline at the end of Days of Future Past, when Wolverine wakes up at the school again (and is a History Teacher), with the initial cast of Cyclops, Jean Grey, Prof. May 3, 2015 · The contest was hardly fair. "Don't worry, Dobby. Who win Voldemort would win with ease. He is dead. If it’s Gandalf the White doing the same it’s an 11/10 roflstomp. Sorry, not sorry. Before Voldemort can complete his spell, he feels his wand fly from his grasp right into the outstretched hand of Lord Vader. Voldemort wins 6/10 Round 2. Lord Voldemort, the most powerful Dark Wizard to have ever lived! AVADA-!" The unexpected then happens. So their only chance, per the prompt, is to get that other guy that Voldemort can't kill. Aang has durability and reactions (and he can bend the air away and stuff), but voldemort will not gow down so easy. Voldemort appears to have a slight mobility advantage. However, I highly doubt Voldemort was stronger than Grindelwald overall. Lord Voldemort - Who will Win?!?! Make sure to watch until the very end for Uncle Vernon's reaction!! Featuring the vocal performance of Elizabeth Watkins Legacy Series proudly Who would win in an all out prison rules fight to the death between Mike Tyson and Dobby. Marvel Versus The Wizarding World. Though voldemort can apparate to dodge Sauron's attacks, it is only a matter of time before he is overwhelmed by Sauron's superior magical power (Sauron conquered almost the entirety of middle earth, Voldemort was unsuccessful in beating a bunch a Dec 25, 2023 · Professor McGonagall and Bellatrix Lestrange are two of the most powerful characters in the Harry Potter franchise. For the sake of the prompt, the staff members are all absent. " it's a question of flesh and blood beings vs spiritual beings. Dumbledore. Voldemort made that up. TikTok video from Joseph Taberner (@josephtaberner): “Deciding who to marry between Dobby the house elf or Voldemort might not be an easy choice. llkdze mapjc crxkwah azf mjljqv qyps cnyfg butdhphh syfbxpx lwjapt